Bye Bye
Thanks to the MBC method,
I've overcome anorexia, migraines, back pain,
and chronic pain associated
with an incurable condition.

« I am You! »
Lili Road authentically testifies to a life of struggle to suffer less, of research to heal, and of courage in the face of diseases deemed without cause, and thus without treatment. Creating the MBC method became an obvious choice for its author to restore hope to those who still suffer: freeing oneself from chronic pain is possible!
This book also provides healthcare professionals with a ready-to-use tool to complement their daily patient care.

Chronic pain makes your life a living hell? I understand. I’ve been through that terrible ordeal too!
Are you burdened by the weight of loneliness and therapeutic wandering? I know what you’re going through; I was in your shoes not so long ago…
Depuis toujours, je souffre de douleurs “inexpliquées”, sans cause structurelle. Et malgré tous mes efforts, je n’obtenais rien de plus que des soulagements de courte durée. Il y a quelques années, la douleur s’est intensifiée. Et pendant plus de 2 ans, j’ai souffert d’atroces douleurs au dos et dans la jambe gauche jusqu’à finir par être paralysée du membre inférieur gauche. J’étais désespérée ! Ce qui est peut-être aussi votre cas aujourd’hui…
However, my life changed when I discovered the real and profound causes of my chronic pain. So, what I want is to help you so that you too can experience FREEDOM again!

Lili Road a été soutenue
dans ses recherches
par le Dr Eric Nectoux,
Pediatric orthopedic surgeon at the University Hospital of Lille.
« J’ai mis à profit plusieurs des techniques qui sont exposées dans cette méthode Mind-Body-Connexion. J’en parle volontiers en consultation auprès de mes patients. Les douleurs de l’âme sont intimement liées aux douleurs chroniques. En lisant ce livre, j’ai vu un outil formidable qui regroupait beaucoup de techniques qui m’ont aidé à aller mieux sur le plan du bien-être psychologique. Cela mettait des mots et de l’ordre, dans ce que je tentais maladroitement de faire passer comme message en consultation ! Loin de se substituer à la médecine basée sur les preuves, toutes ces techniques regroupées en une seule méthode ont fait l’objet d’études validées en neurosciences, et sont à même d’aider ceux qui souffrent depuis longtemps à s’en sortir. »
Dr Eric Nectoux
and by other international researchers:

Dr Schubiner
is an American psychotherapist and the founder of the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles.
He is also a pediatrician and the founder of the Mind Body Medicine Center in Michigan. He develops methods that build on the insights of Dr. John Sarno: “Just as the nervous system learned to experience pain, it can learn to be free from pain.

E-Center Clinic,
located in Sydney, Australia,
is a specialized nonprofit research unit affiliated with Macquarie University. It focuses on developing psychological treatment programs for individuals suffering from chronic pain.

Lili Road is certified in PRT by the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles, where she studied under Alan Gordon.
Alan Gordon is an American psychotherapist and the founder of the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles. He created Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), which is one of the tools we use within the MBC method.

The MBC method follows in the footsteps of Professor J.E. Sarno, who is hailed as the “best American doctor” by Forbes magazine.
A professor of orthopedic medicine and rehabilitation at New York University, he was the first to emphasize the emotional component in chronic pain.
La méthode MBC
est unique !
To soothe our Mind (brain) and reinvest our Body (body) so that our brain reuses the Connections (neural pathways) pain-free. A new genre, “Bye, bye chronic pain” combines Therapeutic Education (TE), practical workshops, and online follow-up through the dedicated MBC community for readers. It is the result of the author’s research started 10 years ago at the CHU de Lille, the latest advances in neuroscience, and Lili’s personal experience with Macquarie University in Sydney.
Lili Road is the first French art therapist certified by the Pain Reprocessing Therapy Center in Los Angeles, and she trains the reader in PRT, after which 75% of individuals no longer have pain.

We free the mind
Knowledge is power.

We get your body moving
A new state of mind

We restore the pain-free
neural pathways
It’s your turn to play!
Is my guidance right for you?
The MBC method can help you manage all types of pain
but cannot help you permanently FREE yourself from all types of pain.
Indeed, it is specifically designed to address neuroplastic pain
(sometimes also referred to as nociplastic or psychosomatic pain).

The key to freedom ?
A personalized coach, a 45-day program, multimedia content, and over 130 workshops covering BRAIN REPROGRAMMING (ET, somatic tracking, expressive writing, self-hypnosis, art therapy), WELL-BEING (Yoga, meditation, pranayama…), PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (NLP, CNV…), and advice for a PAIN-FREE LIFESTYLE.

Compassionate, playful, and motivating,
on the path to freedom.
About the author
Artist and Author : J’ai mal mais je me soigne – City éditions (2024)
Health, wellness, and personal development columnist on RCF Belgium.
Lili Road is a certified Art Therapist graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Lille and certified in PRT, Yoga (RYT-500), Meditation (CMT-500), NLP, and Hypnotherapy.
As an English professor, she holds a Master’s in International Management from SKEMA Business School, as well as a Diplom Kauffrau from Fachhochschule Osnabrück.

If this method restores your hope of living the life you’ve always dreamed of, then I will be fulfilled.
Safe travels on your journey to healing.